02 November 2020

Blueprint For Mature Investors

Vijay L Bhambwani
Individuals in their late forties or fifties are ideally suited for investing in stock markets. They often know what they want to do with their money or available capital. Having been done and dusted with shopping binges, they are more focused on retirement plans. They have a lifetime of savings to deploy. Hence, they can make the best use of available opportunities. How does one go about this? First and foremost, one needs to decide on how much money to allocate to which asset class. Decided on your retirement age? If you are in service, it is 60, but if you are a professional, I presume most will pick an age between 70 and 80. Let me go with the assumption that you are a 50-year-old professional and choose 70 as your retirement age. Deduct your present age from your retirement age, and the number is 20. So you deploy no more than 20 per cent of your capital in relatively high-risk...
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