24 May 2019

Be A Soorma Investor

Kalpen Parekh
Last weekend I watched the Bollywood movie Soorma which revolved around its hero, hockey legend Sandeep Singh; who is more popular as ‘Flicker Singh’ for having the fastest drag flick (a scoring technique) in the world. His sharp and thoughtful coach Harry also plays a pivotal role in the movie. During a match where India plays Pakistan, the opponents come out with a different strategy, attack Sandeep and in the process, end up injuring him. But our hero with his ‘never give up’ attitude, wants to come back and play his natural aggressive game despite some resistance from the coach to avoid a career-threatening injury. The moment of truth arrives when India gets a penalty corner—and as usual Sandeep is ready to pass and flick for the goal and here comes the twist. As Sandeep receives the pass, the Pakistan team rushes towards him, going by usual past...
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