28 April 2022

Armour Plating For Financial Security

Sutirtha Sanyal
When it comes to keeping things organised and disciplined on an institutional scale, there are few entities that do the job with as much finesse as the armed forces. Whether it is a border outpost in the remote north-east, a cantonment area in a hill town, an officer’s mess in an erstwhile Presidency town, or a cenotaph dedicated to war heroes in the middle of a cold desert, everything seems neat, well-kept and organised—right to the flower beds, manicured lawns, roads and painted walls. The bedrock of financial planning, too, lies in discipline and being organised, but this aspect often takes a backseat for armed forces personnel due to the demands of their jobs and lack of adequate financial knowledge. While some financial safeguards are in place, something that is usually unavailable to civilians, armed forces personnel do need to close some chinks in their armour to...
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