01 November 2023

Align Plan With Goal, Risk Tolerance

OLM Desk
Queries S. Anand Naidu, Bengaluru I work as a software engineer and have been working for the last four years. I have used all my earnings on travelling and buying stuff and have nothing much in hand. But seeing my friends saving their salary for a house, I think I should do it too. I want to invest in property just to get returns as I live with my parents and don’t need to buy a separate house. Please suggest what should I go for: a house or a piece of land? How should I save money for it? Investing in real estate can be a substantial financial commitment and might not be the ideal choice if you’re young and just starting to build your financial portfolio. You might have to take large loans to buy even a small property, which is not a good way to start an investing life. Instead, consider diversified investment options that are more liquid, can be built up with regular,...
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