03 October 2023

A Friend In Need For Diabetics

Meghna Maiti
Numbers don’t lie, and certain numbers can be scary. According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research–India Diabetes (ICMR-INDIAB), published in medical journal The Lancet in June 2023, 101 million Indians are diabetic and 136 million are pre-diabetic. The numbers, the study says, are much higher than earlier reported figures. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 77 million Indians above 18 years are diabetic and nearly 25 million are pre-diabetic. “India is consistently retaining its position as the global capital for diabetes. It is a lifestyle disease with long-term multisystemic complications which requires a holistic treatment. Managing and treating diabetes-related complications can be expensive, especially during hospitalisation and it can put a strain on one’s finances,” says Madhumathi Ramakrishnan, senior...
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