Seven Proverbs To Learn About Money Management

Himani Verma

“A Fool And His Money Are Soon Departed”

It means that if you spend foolishly, you may end up with no money.

A Rich Man Is Nothing But A Poor Man With Money

Material wealth or the ability to afford luxury does not make someone rich. Understanding money is more important than having it.

“Never Spend Money Before You Have Earned It”

Financial responsibility comes from knowing yourself, your needs and wants, and, most importantly, learning to distinguish needs from wants.

“An Investment In Knowledge Pays The Best Interest”

Knowledge is power; if you know a field, be it investing, cooking, marketing, etc., it is an asset that will earn you results and will never depreciate but will always yield results.

“You Can Be Young Without Money But You Can’t Be Old Without It”

At a young age, our parents financially support us while we get a job and start earning, but a few bad financial decisions can make you lose it, which means that your old age will be financially difficult.

“Spending Is Quick, Earning is Slow”

It takes an average person with average skills a month to earn Rs. 30,000, but it takes few moments to spend it in this age of digital payments. Think about your expenses.

Interest on Debt Grows Without Rain”

Plants, seeds and trees need a proper environment to thrive, such as rain. But debt grows in a vacuum.

Compiled By Himani Verma

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