5 Annuity Plans To Choose For Retirement

Himani Verma

Deferred Annuity

It involves two phases: the accumulation or contribution phase and the payment phase, which starts at a specified date based on the customer’s preference. 


Fixed Annuity

Fixed annuities provide guaranteed payments at set intervals.

Fixed Income

Variable Annuity

Variable annuities combine investment opportunities with pension benefits. They allow investors to allocate funds in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds through these schemes.


Indexed Annuity

Indexed annuities combine the features of fixed and variable annuities, offering potential market gains while providing a guaranteed minimum return.

Market Linked

Lump Sum Annuity

As the name suggests, in a lump sum annuity plan, the customer receives the entire accumulated corpus in a lump sum, the principal and the interest, after maturity.

Compiled By Himani Verma

Lump Sum Payout

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