PM Kusum Solar Pump Yojana: All You Need to Know

Outlook Money

What is PM Kusum Solar Pump Yojana?

PM Kusum Solar Pump Yojana subsidizes farmers to install solar panels for generating electricity and replacing diesel water pumps with solar alternatives, while also converting grid-connected pumps to solar power. There are three components of PM KUSUM.

PM Yojana

Component A

It focuses on setting up renewable energy power plants on barren or cultivable land, allowing dual-use with crop cultivation under solar panels mounted on raised structures.

Component B

It subsidizes stand-alone solar-powered pumps in off-grid areas, covering up to 60% of the pump cost with central and state government contributions.

Component C

It supports the solarization of grid-connected pumps, allowing farmers to integrate solar PV systems for irrigation, following a subsidy structure similar to Component B.


The PM Kusum Solar Pump Yojana provides farmers with several significant benefits. It provides farmers with risk-free revenue, aids in the monitoring of groundwater levels to avoid overexploitation and assures an uninterrupted power supply for greater agricultural output.

Cost of Solar Water Pump

The PM Kusum Solar Pump Yojana provides solar water pumps costing Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1.8 lakh for capacities up to 2 MW until December 31, 2026, with applications processed online through DISCOMs and a max fee of Rs. 5,000 per MW.

How to Apply?

To apply, farmers and interested parties may go to the DISCOMs' web portals. They must complete the application form and pay a processing charge of Rs. 5,000 per MW. The District Collector's approval is also necessary before DISCOMs may install equipment.

Compiled By Manas Malhotra

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