Defeat Scams: 5 Ways To Spot Fraud Calls

Outlook Money

1. Introduction of '160' Series

The government has introduced a separate '160' number series for official service and transactional calls in order to improve communication security.

2. Verify Caller Identity

If you are doubtful about the caller's identification, hang up and call again using the official numbers listed on government websites or documents. Scammers frequently utilize fake phone numbers.

3. Government and Regulatory Use

'160' series numbers are used by organizations like RBI, SEBI, and others, guaranteeing that calls from these numbers are reliable and necessary.

4. Protect Personal Info

Never disclose sensitive information such as bank account details, OTPs, or personal identification numbers over the phone, especially to unknown callers.

5. Protective Measures

In addition, the government has introduced a reporting platform via the Sanchar Saathi portal to report suspected fraud calls and messages, significantly enhancing consumer protection.

Compiled By Manas Malhotra

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