Generally, credit cards are a faithful companion for frequent travellers. Reward points form one of the best reasons why journeys become smoother and more affordable. With this, they also offer free access to lounges and cut-down deals on air fare, catering to the needs of frequent flyers, either for business or leisure. However, to avail of such benefits, one must understand not only the features, but the costs and limits involved.
Key Benefits of Credit Cards for Travellers
1. Reward Points & Air Miles
With travel credit cards, one can also make reward points or air miles out of everyday spends, especially when it comes to travel-related expenditure, such as the booking of flights, hotel stays, and dining. Some cards offer as many as 5X points on bookings through partnered platforms, which could be redeemed into free flights or upgrade. The example goes for cards such as the SBI Elite Card, which rewards you richly for travel expenses.