
The Little Book of Market Myths

How to profit by avoiding the investing mistakes everyone else makes

The preface sets the tone where Ken Fisher starts with the statement—questioning yourself is hard. Those who are new to Fisher, he is a successful money manager who is a prolific writer with some amazing insights, which are explained quiet lucidly. So, a book on market myths from a market player is in that sense an essential read for anyone keen to invest in the markets for the long run.

If you want to get better with investments, you should learn the truth about common investing myths so that the truth sets you free and allows you to shun the myths that you have lived with so far. By the time you finish reading this book, you will agree that a lot of what you believed about investing is actually wholly or partially untrue. The analogy, anecdotes and the lucid manner in which Fisher writes not only makes for an interesting read but also shows you how the myths lead many of us to make inadvertent, but costly errors.

Running into 17 chapters, with each showcasing a myth in effect, is an eye opener on several concepts that are assumed to be true, when they are actually not. For instance, the myth that high dividends are a sure shot way for income is a fallacy that you realise much later with experience. Likewise, the belief that a strong dollar will result into a stronger stock also falls flat.

What comes true is that the markets are full of myths, which over time have become folklore and highly accepted practices without being challenged. In this aspect, Fisher has taken a path of busting myths with his contrarian approach, which on many occasions can be debated. Whatever your involvement with the markets, here is a book that would give you reason to question and explore for answers to become a better investor.

Author : Ken Fisher with Lara Hoff mans

Publisher : Wiley India

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