
Salary Vanishes Before Month-End? Try These Tips To Save More

All of us want to secure our future. Savings are very important for this because only by investing your savings you can create a big fund for yourself. But if your salary vanishes before the end of the month, then apply some of these tips from today itself; it might be beneficial for you.

You must have heard many people around you saying that no matter how hard they try, they are never able to save money.


Many times the salary gets debited from the account even before the end of the month.

Actually, this problem is of habit.

If you are of a spendthrift nature and do not focus much on savings, then no matter how high your income is, it will be very difficult for you to save money.

If you want to secure your future, then savings are very important because only by investing your savings you can create a big fund for yourself.

If you are also among those people whose salary vanishes before the end of the month, then apply some tips from today itself, they might be beneficial for you.

Make a Monthly Budget

Nowadays people find budget-making boring, but in earlier times, people used to spend only after making a budget and used to save a lot even with a small income.

If you also want to save, then prepare a budget even before the salary is credited to your account.


Make a list of things that need to be purchased. Include needs like house rent, electricity, loan, ration and children's fees in this list. Try to avoid impulsive buying. This can spoil your budget.

Avoid Unnecessary Online Shopping 

Instead of online shopping, shop in cash. Due to online shopping, you are not able to control your expenses quickly.

Therefore, try to keep cash with you according to the budget prepared for your house and make purchases with it. Apart from this, keep cash nearby only as per need.

The more cash you have, the more you will spend it indiscriminately.


As soon as your salary is credited to your account, first of all, set aside the money for savings. The financial rule says that everyone should save 20 per cent of their salary at all costs.

You should also set aside 20 per cent of your income in the name of savings and invest this amount in some scheme. After that, make a household budget according to the remaining amount.


Cut Extra Expenses

Try to reduce expenses like outside food, expensive branded clothes and gadgets, parties, etc., which are forced show-offs. You can go out with family once or twice a month, but going out every week and ordering outside food at home every day not only spoils your budget but is also not good for your health.

Apart from this, expensive branded clothes, gadgets, parties and multiple OTT subscriptions can also be avoided. One or two OTT subscriptions are enough for entertainment.

Maintain healthy lifestyle

Most of us do not take our health very seriously. But if your health is not good, a lot of your money will be spent on treatment.

Therefore, give priority to your health and eat healthy food, exercise and keep yourself healthy. To avoid huge expenses in difficult times, you should also take health insurance.

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