Cautiously Make Your Downpayment: If you're over 40 and have a steady job, you might have decent savings and investments. While lenders often offer loans covering up to 90 per cent of the property value, making a higher down payment will help bring down your EMI and reduce the interest component. “Plan for the downpayment. It typically ranges from 10-20 per cent of the value. However, in case your finances allow, you can plan for a higher downpayment as it will reduce the loan amount, and in turn, reduce your overall costs,” Priti Rathi Gupta, Founder of LXME, a financial platform for women, said. However, be cautious not to jeopardize other financial goals, such as children's education or retirement funds. Review your investments and prioritize based on their utility and performance. For instance, if you have investments with lower returns than your home loan interest rates, you can divert a part of the capital towards the down payment.