
Why is medical history of the family important for an insurer?

Insurers may ask about your family medical history before issuing any policy

Why is the medical history of my family relevant to an insurer issuing a medical cover to me?


-Rinki Saxena, Gurgaon

Family medical history is taken into account before issuing health covers because the chances of the prospective policyholder contracting diseases such as heart ailments, diabetes and high blood pressure, which is considered to be hereditary, increases if members of his family suffer from them. However, you will in no way become ineligible for getting an insurance, nor would your premium amount increase substantially if you do not suffer from any disease.

You will only be placed in the high-risk category for diseases which run in your family. Most insurance companies seek information on the family health history of the person seeking insurance and the answers should be given with complete honesty to avoid any complications in the future.

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