
When should I redeem my investments if I need the investment corpus?

If you're not comfortable with the thought of putting money in liquid fund, you could also keep it in bank account

My investment corpus is worth Rs 33 lakh, which I will need to use for some financial commitments after three months for the next one year. When should I redeem my investments?


Mukesh Kanwal, Gurgaon

As your overall portfolio returns are profitable and you need the money in the next 12 months, it will be a good idea to exit all your investments for as much value as you are likely to need in the next 12 months and place it in a liquid fund from which you can exit as and when you need to use the money to meet your other financial obligations. If you are not very comfortable with the thought of putting money in a liquid fund, you could also keep it in your bank account and use it as and when the need arises.

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