
What should I do if I have paid the premium, but did not receive the policy?

Once the insurance company has accepted the premium, you have every right to claim the policy

I handed over the premium cheque favouring the insurance company, along with the completed proposal form. The cheque was encashed three months ago, but I still have not received my policy. What should I do?


Ramesh Garg, Delhi

Once the insurance company has accepted the premium, you have every right to claim the policy. In case it is not working out at the branch level, you may approach the divisional office or the grievance cell of the insurance company, which is normally located in the regional or head office of the insurance company. If all the basic papers for issue of policy are completed, they will surely direct the branch to hand over the policy to you. Since the insurance company has accepted the premium and neither issued the policy, nor asked you for any further information, which might be required for issuance of policy, they will be bound to compensate you in the event of a loss.

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