
What kind of insurance should I take if I have started my career few months ago?

You should have health insurance, which you can buy now, even if your employer provides you with cover

I have started my career a few months ago. What kind of insurance should I take right now?


Aarati Reddy, Hyderabad

Congratulations on joining the workforce and considering insurance at this stage. Insurance policies are the foundation of a sound financial plan. At the moment, if you do not have any financial dependents, that is – your parents are not dependant on your income, you don’t require life insurance. You should have health insurance, which you can buy now, even if your employer provides you with cover. A few years from now, once you are about to get married or plan to get married, you should consider taking a life insurance policy. Remember; insurance of any kind is not a onetime purchasing exercise – you should re-evaluate your insurance needs at every stage in life.

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