
What does the television insurance policy cover?

This protects coverage for loss or damage of your TV from threats and damages, inclusive of accidental damage

What does the television insurance policy cover?


Nipun Sharma, Dehradun

The rising cost of television sets has also resulted in innovative ways to increase the life and value of the TV set. The huge cost has resulted in people seeking extended warranty and protecting their sets more than before. Insurance companies have come up with the innovative service of offering TV insurance. This protects coverage for loss/damage of your TV from threats and damages, inclusive of accidental damage.

The ‘television insurance’ policy covers damage to or loss of the TV set due to fire, lightning, accidental external means, short circuit, hurricanes, floods, bursting and overflowing of water tank, theft, riot, strike, earthquake etc. For instance, if any particular fitting of TV gets damaged, such as the picture tube or speakers, a TV insurance policy will help with its replacement without making you invest in buying a new TV. However, like every other insurance policy, this one too has exclusions such as loss, depreciation, wear and tear, and failure or breakage or damage due to normal atmospheric conditions. Loss or damage from setting up, repairing or dismantling the TV is not covered either.

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