
What are the formalities to take a travel insurance policy for six months?

Short stay travel health insurance policies are available these days from several insurers

What are the formalities required to take a foreign travel insurance policy for six months for my wife, who is going to Canada on a fellowship?


Joseph Chacko, Kochi

Short stay travel health insurance policies are available these days from several insurers. Check with any general insurer on the premium and coverage available on such a policy, especially considering your wife will be staying in Canada for six months, which is a long time. Procedurally, you will need to share any documentary proof that she is indeed travelling on a fellowship and her passport when filling up the proposal form for such a policy. Depending on this information the insurer will offer you a policy detailing the scope of cover and the cost for the same. You could accept the proposal based on which insurer offers you what kind of features on a long stay policy and decide based on what you seem are right for your wife.

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