
Should I give the other party my insurance policy number?

Under the terms of the motor insurance policy, you are eligible to claim any liability towards a third party

I own a two - wheeler and was at fault in a road accident. The other party is asking for Rs 1,500 as compensation. Should I pay him myself or should I give him my insurance policy number so that he can claim insurance?


Rakesh Gupta, Agra

We hope there was no bodily injury to you or the other party in the accident and neither of the vehicles were badly damaged. Under the terms of the motor insurance policy, you are eligible to claim any liability towards a third party that may arise following an accident involving the insured vehicle. Normally, such third party claims are paid by the insurer, provided the liability is decided in a court of law. In your case, as the compensation looks like a small amount, it may be a good idea to opt for an out-of-court settlement than drag your insurer and spend time at the court and then pay the sum that is being asked for by the other party. 

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