
Should I continue the two health insurance plans I have?

The answer will depend on the type of the policies, the scope of cover, and your own health condition

I am 65-years old and have two health insurance policies. Both policies are three years old, should I continue both of them?  


Ramkumar Ahlawat, Lucknow

The answer will depend on the type of the policies, the scope of cover, and your own health condition. Ideally you should have a policy that has adequate cover on it for you at the time of your need. Health insurance is a complex subject and do not go in for a policy just based on the low premium that you have to pay for it, because policies come with terms and conditions that may limit the policy benefit that you perceive versus what you are entitled for in reality. Find out the kind of expenses that the policies cover and the limits they have before deciding discontinuing the policy. At your age, you are more likely to need a health policy and if you discontinue one at this moment, it may be difficult to get a policy later on.  

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