
Should I consider taking a health insurance policy for Rs 5 lakh?

The benefits of health insurance can be best gauged when you actually experience a claim

I was recently coaxed by my agent to consider taking a health insurance policy for Rs 5 lakh, which is when I started asking around to figure if I need such a high risk cover, when I am only 30 years old.


Vivek Seshadri, Hyderabad

The benefits of health insurance can be best gauged when you actually experience a claim, which we hope is not the way for you to understand the policy benefit. On the costs, even a minor heart ailment, leading to a few days of hospitalisation can put you off by a few lakhs. If you think health insurance is only for routine health issues, you are underestimating the utility of health insurance and over estimating your future health condition. Imagine the financial implications of being detected with cancer? So, if one were to look deeper, even Rs 5 lakh looks less as a health cover to take. Insurance is meant to act as a financial cushion when you need it and no more.  

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