
My pension comes to my account in Patna. Can it be transferred to another bank?

Yes, it is possible for you to receive the pension in a city different from the one where you retired

My pension comes to my account in Patna. Can it be transferred directly to a bank in Noida, which is where I now live with my son?


Ramesh Kumar Jha

Yes, it is possible for you to receive the pension in a city different from the one where you retired or maintained the pension account in. One way is to access your bank account to which the pension is transferred from Noida, which you can do these days with all bank branches being inter-linked. In case you wish to receive the pension in a new bank account or to reflect the change into an account that is based out of Noida; you will have to give a written application to the bank where you receive the pension currently. The link branch will forward the disburser’s portion of the pension payment order (PPO) to the link branch at the new station. Both the link branches will send the necessary intimation to the Central Pension Accounting Office. The receiving link branch will forward the PPO to the paying branch within three days and intimate you simultaneously. Before disbursing the amount to the new link branch, it will be ensured that the month up to which the payments had been made is indicated in the disburser’s portion of the PPO.

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