
Is this true that my wife cannot pay the premium of car insurance on my behalf?

You have heard it right that insurers do not accept premiums from anyone other than the policyholder

I was travelling when the premium on my car insurance was due. Someone told me that the premium has to be paid from my account and my wife cannot pay on my behalf. Is this true?


Alpesh Nadkarni, Mumbai

You have heard it right that insurers do not accept premiums from anyone other than the policyholder. However, there is flexibility in case of direct relatives and where a case can be established on why the policyholder could not pay the premium themselves. For instance, in your case, your spouse paying the premium on your behalf will be acceptable. Likewise, in case of a company provided car, the company paying the premiums is also accepted. To be on the safer side, if your wife has paid the premium, do send a letter with a declaration stating the circumstances in which she paid the premiums on your behalf for records and to avoid any future complications at the time of a claim or renewal of the policy.

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