
Is there any age limit for taking a health insurance policy?

Medical insurance is available to persons between age of 5 and 80 years

I want to take health insurance policy for all the members of my family. What is the age limit for taking a policy? I want to get operation of my eye done by laser capsulotomy. Will it be included?


Diwakar Kumar, Hyderabad

Medical insurance is available to persons between age of 5 and 80 years. Children between the age of 3 months and 5 years can be covered provided one or both parents are covered concurrently. You can also take a family floater plan instead of taking individual plans for every member separately. The advantage of a family floater plan is that all the members get a blanket insurance cover with discount in premium (10 per cent discount is offered generally).

Yes, operation of the eye by Laser Capsulotomy shall be covered under hospitalisation benefits of health insurance policy. But please remember an existing medical condition, which is known as pre-existing disease at the time of taking a health policy is excluded.

Generally, health insurance policies are available only for allopathy, ayurvedic and unani pathy systems of medicine. Homeopathic treatments are also covered by many insurance companies. The reason for its exclusion by some is that homoeopathic treatments usually do not require hospitalisation and not all kinds of diseases can be treated under it. Please ask your insurer before taking a policy whether it includes homeopathic treatments or not.

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