
Is it true that no policy covers 100 per cent of the sum insured?

Every policy specifies the exclusion clauses, which state the specific hospitalisation expenses that are excluded

I purchased a health insurance policy with a sum insured of Rs 2.5 lakh for my family. After I had bought the policy, the agent told me that only 80 per cent of the sum insured was available as hospitalisation benefit. He also said that no policy covers 100 per cent expenses. Is it so?


Some health insurance policies provide up to 100 per cent of the sum insured per illness. Every policy specifies the exclusion clauses, which state the specific hospitalisation expenses that are excluded. For example, some policies restrict the amount paid per day for room rent to 1 per cent of the sum insured. So, if the sum insured is Rs 2.5 lakh, the room rent in the event of hospitalisation will be restricted to only Rs 2,500 per day. You should dis- cuss the matter with your insurer. If it does not have a product that suits your requirements, you can cancel the policy and go for one, which gives full benefits.

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