
In case of accident, does comprehensive car insurance cover towing charges?

Generally, the comprehensive car insurance cover is insurance against accident and related impact on your car

I have a comprehensive car insurance policy. In case of accident or any fault, does the policy cover towing charges?


Deeptesh Chandra, Ghaziabad

Generally, the comprehensive car insurance cover is insurance against accident and related impact on your car. In case your car’s condition is such that you are unable to drive it due to damage or accident, the towing charges are payable. As a matter of fact, a comprehensive car policy also provides for the payment of a reasonable cost of protecting the car in the event of an accident, removing it to the nearest repair shop and also the cost of redelivery to the insured. However, if the breakdown is the result of normal wear and tear, the towing charges will not qualify for cover under the policy. These days some insurers do provide for such services within stipulated limits and situations specified under the policy terms and conditions. 

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