
I plan to visit Tokyo so should I take international travel insurance policy?

Health care costs in developed countries are much higher in comparison to India

I plan to visit Tokyo on work for two weeks. Should I take international travel insurance policy?


Sumitra Rajagopal, Surat

Yes, it is in your interest to take an overseas travel insurance policy which will cover the risks arising from sudden medical exigencies when you are travelling abroad. Health care costs in developed countries are much higher in comparison to India. In most of these countries including Japan medical care is not subsidised by the government. Hospitalisation and medical bills can easily run into thousands of dollars which you will need to pay on your own. Most people in these countries are covered by health insurance plans and these insurance policies are not available to temporary visitors. In this scenario you must take an international travel insurance policy even if you are going on short term visit of two weeks. These days such policies are available for such specific timelines as well. 

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