
I lost my camera from car at a traffic signal. Will I be able to get the claim?

The claim would not be payable as the circumstances of the loss clearly fall within the special exceptions

I am an avid photographer and carry my camera along with me. While at a traffic signal, a biker picked the camera from the passenger side of my car. Will the claim be payable under my householder’s policy, where the gadget is mentioned in the list of articles of value?


Pratap Sen, Kolkata

Although the incident is unfortunate, the claim would not be payable as the circumstances of the loss clearly fall within the special exceptions stated in the section pertaining to jewellery and valuables in the householder’s insurance policy schedule. As per the provision, theft from car is specifically excluded except in the case when the car is one of the type, fully enclosed saloon with all the doors, windows and other openings securely locked and properly fastened. From your version of the incident it appears that the windows of the car were open and you were present in the car when it all happened. Therefore, this claim will not be paid.

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