
How is the third party claim gets settled if he is hit by an insured vehicle?

It will be the third person who will make a claim for compensation against the vehicle owner

In case there is an accident involving one’s vehicle resulting in physical injury to a third party, how should one go about making the claim?


Mohit Phadnis, Mumbai

In case a vehicle is involved in an accident which has resulted in an injury to a third person, it will be the third person who will make a claim for compensation against the vehicle owner. If the vehicle is insured for third party loss, the claim of the third party will get passed on to the insurer of the vehicle. Such claims are settled either by negotiations between the insurers of the vehicle and the person who suffered the injury or the amount of compensation has to be decided in a court of law. Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal (MACT) is the body which normally decides such cases.

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