
Does the insurer pay for the damaged articles in case of attempted burglary?

Yes, the insurance company will pay for the repair charges of articles damaged due to attempted burglary

There was an attempted burglary at my home. The burglars didn’t take anything worthwhile, but damaged the cupboards and lockers. Will the insurance company pay for the damaged articles?


Shyam Motwani, Mumbai

It is an unfortunate experience that you had and you are lucky that nobody got hurt and you have householder’s insurance. If the cupboards and lockers that were damaged as a result of the attempted burglary have been insured under the policy, then claim for the damages incurred by you will be payable under the burglary policy. The insurance company will pay for the repair charges for the cupboards and lockers. In case the damage is very bad and the articles cannot be repaired at all, the insurance company may consider the damage as a total loss. In such a situation, the insurer may even pay you the full market value of damaged property at the time of loss less, of course, its salvage value.

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