
Can the claim be made if insured has multiple personal accident policies?

The legal heirs of the life assured can make a claim under all the personal accident policies

My office has taken a group personal accident policy for all the members of the staff deputed for duties outside of office. A colleague of mine who was insured under the group policy met with an accident and died. He also had a personal accident policy for himself. Will a claim from his family be accepted under both the policies after his death?


Manoj Rijhwani, Jaipur

The legal heirs of the life assured can make a claim under all the personal accident policies valid as on the date of the accident that lead to the death of the insured. This is done because, unlike most other general insurance products, personal accident insurance is not a contract of indemnity as the human life is invaluable and no amount of money can compensate the death or disablement of a human being. Therefore, your colleague’s family is entitled to receive the sum insured under both the policies.

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