
Can I increase medical policy cover for my mother who is 75 years old?

Consider a top-up policy, which could be used to increase the health risk with an additional cost

My mother will be 75 soon and so far she has a mediclaim policy from Oriental Insurance with Rs 1 lakh cover. Can we increase the policy cover?


Revati Chandran, Chennai

At your mother’s age, the sum assured on the health policy appears to be too little and you should increase this cover. Consider a top-up policy, which could be used to increase the health risk with an additional cost. However, the cover kicks-in only after a basic threshold is breached. For instance, in your mother’s case, the threshold will be Rs 1 lakh, which means that on claims above Rs 1 lakh, the top-up plan would pay. There are also restrictions on the ailments covered by top-up plans and the age at which you can take this policy. Check with your current insurer for a top-up option and take it accordingly. 

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