
Can I buy life insurance if suffering from high blood pressure?

Similar to health insurance, life insurers may decline you a cover because of your poor health

I am 40 and suffering from a severe blood pressure problem. Can I buy a life insurance policy?


Arshita Sengupta, Kolkata

Similar to health insurance, where the insurer may have decided to decline you a cover or charged you a higher than average premium because of your poor health, life insurers may do the same. Life insurers do cover people who may not have optimum health conditions. The insurer will ask you to undergo a medical examination, which will be approved by the underwriters. The underwriters will consider the proposal based on the actual condition of your health reflected in the medical reports prepared by their panel of doctors. Depending on your medical reports, the insurers may issue a cover that may be subject to special terms and conditions. Premium chargeable may also be somewhat higher than that for other people. Unless the severity of your case is extreme, life insurers would not deny you a cover, which is something that health insurers can do. 

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