Finally, whichever loan you decide to take, it’s first advisable to make a fair estimate of how much you intend to spend; have a budget in your mind, then list out everything you and your partner wish to have in your wedding, look up for suitable vendors to get an approximate pricing and then work backwards. For instance, if you love a certain videographer who is currently out of your budget, think if you both can club your bachelor vacations to bring down costs or send digital invites instead of physical copies and gifts. Once an estimate is set, the next best thing to do is to take stock of existing savings and future income to understand how easily you and your partner can pay the loan off. If there are any further adjustments to be made, they can be made at this stage. After this entire exercise, the final loan you would opt for will actually be more reasonable than anticipated, allowing you and your partner to enjoy the festivities. Take a financial aid that helps build discipline as well as makes you responsible. Now, That’s what we call the beginning of a good marriage!