
Love for work is the first rule of being successful, proves Miss Malini

Outlook Money brings you the views on money matters from some of India's most influential people

From achievers to leaders to the glamorous, in this web series, Outlook Money brings you the views on money matters from some of India’s most influential. Several of the New Year’s resolutions made this year may have been already broken. But who says you need to wait for planetary revolution to make new decisions that can make tomorrow slightly better than today? Inspiration can come from anyone at anytime. These individuals, each a leader in their respective field, talks about their life, both financial and personal, and lets us know what it takes to make it big in this beautifully scary world. We hope their wisdom empowers you to know how to better secure your financial future.


Leave it to the universe

“I don’t think for me it’s ever been about the money,” says Malini Agarwal, popularly known as Miss Malini, India’s first celebrity blogger. “I mean you need to be able to pay your bills and get by but I’ve always found that if you do things for passion and not for money, the universe conspires to make sure you are rewarded for your efforts,” she adds.

When she first moved to Mumbai, she had a tough time in the new city, living hand to mouth. Living in a house with six girls and a pigeon, she considers this phase of her life as her low point. However, she is very happy with how life has turned out for her. “I’m proud to be acknowledged in the entertainment and business worlds alike as someone who has paved the way for a new blogging in India,” she says. She finds this rare achievement of hers both humbling and satisfying at the same time.


Young people often ask for her advice on how to become rich and famous. To them, she says, ”Close your eyes and ask yourself ‘What is the one thing I’d love to do for the rest of my life even if nobody paid me to do it?’ and then make that your career. The money will follow, I guarantee.”

A money funda she believes in is that money sitting in the bank won’t bring happiness. She strongly believes that if one is generous with others, the universe will bestow them you with more than you hoped for.

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