Cardano DEX MuesliSwap To Refund Users After Slippage Confusion
The MuesliSwap team wants to refund users who have lost funds due to high slippage from the way the DEX’s matchmaker was set up.
The company behind the Cardano-based decentralised exchange MuesliSwap has decided to reimburse consumers who have experienced significant slippage in the last year. The MuseliSwap team admitted on August 8 that it "fell short in providing adequate clarity" on the slipping element inside its protocol. The price difference between when a transaction is submitted and when it is confirmed on the blockchain is referred to as slippage.
Due to the way the decentralized matchmaker was set up, MuesliSwap users have been paying hefty slippage for at least a year, according to the developers.
Nvidia drops new AI chip expected to cut development costs Nvidia, the current market leader for semiconductor chips, revealed its latest chip designed to run large-scale AI systems and is expected to cut costs of LLMs.
On August 7, Nvidia, one of the world's major semiconductor chip developers, unveiled its latest processor, which is meant to support high-level artificial intelligence (AI) systems. According to the business, its next-generation GH200 Grace Hopper Superchip is one of the first to have an HBM3e processor and is intended to execute "the world's most complex generative AI workloads, spanning large language models, recommender systems, and vector databases."
Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, commented in a keynote that they’re giving the processor a “boost” and that: “This processor is designed for the scale-out of the world’s data centers.”
The GH200, Nvidia's latest high-end chip, features a 141 gigabytes of advanced memory and a 72-core ARM CPU, surpassing previous models. It is designed for inference, a crucial component in training AI models for content generation and prediction.