
Gita Jayanti 2023: Top 5 Financial Learnings From Bhagwad Gita

In today's time, every person wants his/her life to be financially strong. Relating Gita's teachings to financial life can theoretically give you some financial stability.

Gita Jayanti 2023: The conversation between Shri Krishna and Arjun moments before the battle of Kurukshetra in Mahabharata gave birth to Bhagwad Geeta, one of Hinduism's most sacred texts. This is the only scripture in Hinduism whose birth anniversary is celebrated. Gita Jayanti is celebrated every year on Mokshada Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Margashirsha month. This year, Geeta Jayanti is being celebrated on Friday, 22 December. The holy text Gita talks about the laws of Karma and the downsides of material attachment and is not directly related to financial planning but with some understanding, one can apply its theories in real life as well. In today's time, every person wants his life to be financially strong. Relating Gita's teachings to financial life can theoretically give you some financial stability. Here are the top 5 financial learnings from Bhagwad Gita:


1. Invest for the long-term:

In Gita, Shri Krishna talks about spiritual development and self-realization and tells Arjuna that these are life's ultimate objectives. If you apply this to finances, it means putting money into your mental and physical well-being, going for lifelong learning and planning for long-term expenses such as retirement, healthcare, and education which can give you true financial stability.

2. Avoid excess, stay risk-free: 

Bhagwad Gita, which is part of Ved Vyasa's Mahabharat, tells us about living a balanced life by avoiding both excess and deprivation. This also holds for personal finance. One must not indulge in pointless expenditures and should give priority to comfort and necessities. Stay clear of risky investments and excessive debt to ensure financial well-being.

3. The law of Karma: 

There is a strong emphasis on the idea that there are repercussions of our deeds or Karma, good or bad. This is reflected in our financial management as well. God, well-thought-out and researched financial karma will mostly offer you better returns. Avoiding unethical financial practices and making ethical investments will give you peace of mind from any fear of enforcement agencies.


4. Self-control: 

Shri Krishna tells Arjuna that one must exercise self-control in all facets of life. This includes finances as well. Make a budget, set financial goals, practice financial discipline, and adhere to your budget or financial plan. Achieving long-term goals may require you to make some sacrifices like postponing some rash purchases.

5. Duty and Responsibility:

In Bhagwad Gita, there is a strong emphasis on remaining true to your responsibilities with strong commitment and objectivity. This principle can be applied to financial responsibilities as well. Pay your bills and EMIs on schedule, and handle your money carefully with a sense of responsibility towards your family and yourself.

So, on this Gita Jayanti, let us take a moment and reflect on these teachings of Shri Krishna and try to incorporate them not just in our daily life but into our financial journey. This will help us achieve financial stability, growth, and harmony.

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