
'88% People Believe Work-from-Home is Here to Stay'

Home office is good for corporates and employees, and especially convenient for working mothers, finds survey

  • Zoom call at 10.30am while feeding the child.
  • Work on the laptop till 1pm, with a quick run to the grocer’s in between to fetch some essentials, face covered in mask and shield.
  • WhatsApp group call at 1.45pm while sitting on the ‘throne’.
  • Attending corporate calls while having lunch at home.
  • Respond to messages on the smartphone while Cartoon Network runs on TV in the background in the evening.

That’s life for many of us for over a year under pandemic-induced lockdowns and work from home (WFH). And with Covid showing no signs of abating, it appears we’re fated for this lifestyle for months to come. Welcome to the New Normal.

A recent survey on “Work from Home: Effect on Employee’s Productivity”, conducted by staffing firm Genius Consultants Limited, shows that over 88% people strongly believe WFH is the future of the corporate sector, and will be adopted by more companies. The model has not only been a solution to keep businesses afloat in times of uncertainty, but has also helped them save expenses on office space rentals and has had a positive impact on employee’s productivity.

According to the survey, over 88 per cent people were in favour of making WFH a permanent feature for employees going forward, while 11 per cent disagreed, stating the importance of physical operations.


The study has further indicated that that around 78 per cent respondents think the WFH model has helped companies yield better performances, with gradual increase in employee efficiency and productivity, even as employees benefit from a flexible schedule and eliminate commute time, which generally takes up a daily average of an hour or more, and is often detected as an underlying work stressor for a lot of employees.

However, close to 21per cent of respondents believed WFH had very little effect on increasing employee productivity and performance.

Regarding WFH leading to spillover work beyond designated working hours, the study has concluded that over 88 per cent people agreed this was a reality, that they were spending longer hours completing deadlines and in meetings, to keep all communication channels afloat, resulting in longer work hours than before. Just 11 per cent people felt WFH had no effect on their working hours.

On WFH for working mothers, the survey indicated that 78 per cent people strongly believed it has been a convenience for the group, allowing working mothers the flexibility to manage work and family responsibilities with more ease. It has also enabled women to balance and focus on work and their personal lives efficiently, the survey found.


Commenting on the survey, R P Yadav, Chairman and MD, Genius Consultants Limited, said, “Of the many changes we have witnessed in the last year, WFH has been a blessing in these uncertain times and is definitely here to stay. It has underscored its advantages and has compelled organisations to re-think their strategies and outlook, with many companies already making plans to adopt the model completely, or partially with a hybrid strategy. It has been mutually beneficial for both corporates and employees, and holds potential to revolutionise industry. Leveraging its key benefits strategically can open an abundance of job opportunities that will no longer be restricted by the bounds of geographical barriers. More importantly, it carries the promise of improving employment scenario even in rural and remote parts of the country.”

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