
Solid performer: DSP BlackRock Tax Saver

This fund scores on its performance with the multi-cap approach it takes to build its portfolio

This fund has been a consistent performer over several years in the ELSS category and in some years, its performance could put several diversified funds’ performance to shame. The fund manager follows a relatively conservative approach, despite relative lower redemption pressures owing to the automatic lock-in when investing in this fund. This fund scores on its performance with the multi-cap approach it takes to build its portfolio. Only stocks of high quality companies find way into the portfolio, which is also well diversified.


The fund’s margin of outperformance compared to its benchmark is commendable, especially in years when the markets did not have anything spectacular to show. Such quality track-record proves the ability of this fund to do well across both bull and bear phase of the market and suitable for anyone looking for a tax saving investment option. These positive traits have resulted in increased inflows into the fund over time.

Launch Date: December 26, 2006
Fund Manager: Rohit Singhania
Benchmark: Nifty 500 Index
Expense ratio: 2.52

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