“Though the impact of the second wave on the real economy was initially thought to be much limited (due to localised nature of lockdowns which have, however, now turned into a de facto national lockdown, better adaptation of people to work from home protocols, increased use of digital payments) in comparison with the first wave, our estimates now indicate that there might be nominal GDP loss of up to Rs 6 lakh crore during Q1 FY22 as compared to loss of Rs 11 lakh crore in Q1 FY21. Real GDP loss would be in the range of Rs 4-4.5 lakh crore and hence real GDP growth would be in the range of 10 per cent - 15 per cent (as against RBI forecast of 26.2 per cent) during Q1FY21. However, we believe that in this wave our health crisis has overwhelmed us and hence the impact on GDP in the second wave will be more from health channel than the mobility channel,” the report added.