
After investing in HSBC Fund for 13 years, should I stay invested or exit?

The decision to exit your investment in this fund should be based on your investment objective

I had invested in HSBC Equity Fund in 2004, and my investment has more than doubled in value. Should I stay invested or quit?


Srinivas Chari, Bengaluru

HSBC Equity Fund was launched in December 2002 and in its over 14 year history, the fund has witnessed several ups and downs. The performance of the fund has been satisfactory, though it pales in comparison to peers such as BSL Frontline Equity and Franklin India Flexi Cap. The decision to exit your investment in this fund should be based on your investment objective and if the fund has achieved what you were expecting from it. Depending on how long you had wanted to stay invested in, you should continue or exit the investment in this scheme. 

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