
Resolution 2017: This year get complete financial protection

Make a New Year resolution to counter all the financial risks that you are exposed to

As you embark on yet another new year, resolutions are par for course, with better health, quitting ill-habits, being more proactive and less of a procrastinator and being financially prudent being some of the aspirations. However, chances are by the time the year ends, many of these resolutions remain only on paper. By linking a financial angle to your resolutions, you will not only manage to stay on track, you will also be able to get the necessary financial edge.


Health: Everyone aspires for good health and promises to get into a healthy activity and exercise. If one is to go with the Delhi smog and air pollution levels in general, health insurance becomes a necessity for the young and old. The impact of bad air can cause health hazards in the future too. Supplement your plan for a good health by going in for a comprehensive health insurance, including a critical illness cover, if you do not have one. If you do have a health insurance, this is your chance to review and modify it.

Home: Any plans for home improvement and renovations should be well supported with home insurance as an addition. Nobody can predict when you and your home could become victims to calamities like rains, floods, earthquake or fire. As we go to print, the impact of cyclone Vardah is being assessed. Home insurance comes to your rescue, wherein you can insure your house and its contents against unexpected natural and man-made calamities.


Travel: Travel is yet another favourite among those drawing up a New Year resolution list. Visiting new places is good for the body, mind and soul. Yet you come across train accidents, like the recent Kanpur tragedy or air crash in some part of the world, which could have happened even in your backyard. These instances may sound extreme but think of losing your baggage or falling sick in a foreign land? Make sure you have the necessary travel insurance and are not exposed to fend for yourself in a disaster.

Vehicle: Finally, our daily commute is getting longer and stressful. Stress balls in cars are as common as road rage. It does help to take a few deep breaths and have a comprehensive motor insurance when chances of being hit by someone else are high. The long commute is a strain for the vehicle as well, which may then need repairs and roadside assistance in case of breakdowns.


The array of insurance plans that exist can help you de-risk your life this New Year; so why not take a vow to include insurance for everything that you cherish and put your peace of mind on autopilot. Now, that is one resolution that you should stick to.

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