
Here Are Few Tips To Give Your Mother A Gift Of Health This Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, instead of getting your mother a traditional gift, why not give her the gift of health? Taking care of her health and financial well-being can be the best way to show your gratitude and love towards her

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to show our gratitude and love toward the most important women in our lives. This year, instead of giving your mother a traditional gift like flowers or chocolates, why not give her the gift of health? Taking care of your mother’s health can be the best gift she can receive.


Here are some tips on how to give your mother the gift of health this Mother’s Day.

Review Existing Health Insurance Plan: The first step to undertake is to review your mother’s existing health insurance plan. Check the coverage, benefits, and exclusions of the plan. If the plan is not sufficient or does not cover certain medical conditions, it may be time to upgrade it. Look for a health insurance plan that offers comprehensive coverage and has a higher sum insured.

Increase Sum Insured: If your mother’s current health insurance plan has a low sum insured, consider increasing it.

“A higher sum insured means that your mother will be able to avail of better medical treatment without worrying about the cost. It is advisable to choose a plan with a sum insured of at least Rs 5 lakh,” says AK Narayan, CEO, AK Narayan Associates, a financial planning firm.

According to Suresh Sadagopan, founder and principal of Ladder7 Financial Advisories, increasing medical insurance coverage for one’s mother is a great idea, but it’s important to check its feasibility.


“If the mother is over 65 years of age, it may not be possible to take a new policy or increase the cover due to age restrictions and potential health issues. In such cases, creating a contingency provision can help cover medical emergencies and hospitalisation. A sum insured of Rs. 5 lakh, which can go up to Rs. 7.5 lakh with bonuses, is considered a decent amount,” he adds.

Port Health Insurance Plan: If your mother’s existing health insurance plan is not meeting her healthcare needs, you can consider porting it to a different insurer.

Porting allows you to switch to a different health insurance provider while retaining the benefits of the existing policy. It is important to note that porting can be done only at the time of renewal of the policy.

“You can go for a super top-up on the existing medical insurance policy. Your mother will benefit from a higher medical insurance cover and will be happy that it will be easy on your wallet, too,” says Renu Maheshwari, chief executive officer and principal advisor, Finzscholarz Wealth Manager and a Sebi-registered investment advisor.


Add Critical Illness Cover: Another way to give your mother the gift of health is to add a critical illness cover to her existing health insurance plan. A critical illness cover provides a lump sum payment on the diagnosis of a serious illness, such as cancer, stroke, or heart attack. This amount can help your mother pay for the expensive medical treatment and care required for such illnesses.

Go For Regular Health Check-Ups: Encourage your mother to get regular health check-ups. Regular health check-ups can help detect any medical conditions at an early stage and prevent them from becoming serious. Make sure your mother gets her blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels checked regularly.

Initiate Healthy Lifestyle: A healthy lifestyle is essential for good health. Encourage your mother to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. A healthy lifestyle can prevent many medical conditions and keep your mother in good health.


Taking care of our loved ones is one of the best gifts that we can give them, and when it comes to our mothers, it is even more special.

Mother’s Day provides us with the perfect opportunity to show our appreciation for everything our mothers have done for us.

By taking care of their health, we can ensure that they lead a happy and fulfilling life. A healthy mother is a happy mother, and it is our responsibility to give them the gift of health. So, let’s not just limit our love to materialistic things, but instead start taking care of our mother’s physical and mental well-being from this Mother’s Day.

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