Credit cards are very convenient and rewarding but sometimes they sting with hidden charges or unauthorized services, leaving the owners feeling cheated. In India, several laws and regulations ensure consumer protection in case of credit card usage to provide a sense of transparency, fair practice, and efficient grievance redressal.
1. RBI Guidelines
The RBI has always been strict about rules while issuing and making credit cards. Those are:
Terms, interest rates, and fees should be disclosed to a customer by the bank before signing any agreement.
Billing statements with a due date of payments and charges need to be meticulously presented to customers.
Issuance and renewal of cards have to be based on express consent; unauthorised use of the cards entices liability in the bank.
The matters of charges have to be settled within 60 days after complaints are raised.
Liability on loss or stolen card's loss is capped once the customer has informed the bank.