25 September 2015 Fixed-assets

Quirky and Eccentric

OLM Desk

If you have looked up the Internet for comedy, you would have come across some funny videos of Justine Ezarik. Her 300-page iPhone bill a month after the introduction of the iPhone in 2007 had gone viral and was a laugh riot.

In this book, Justine gives us a look behind the scenes, sharing never-before told stories about the hilarious reality of sharing your life online. With her trademark wit and delightfully weird sense of humour, Justine delivers an inspirational message in support of creativity and entrepreneurship.

The underlying message is, however, that the Internet is a very small world and you never know who you might need next. A memoir of sorts, it follows her geeky life, starting with being in a hacking club that had their own T-shirts. She illustrates her early obsession with technology.

There are plenty of anecdotes that lead to her becoming iJustine. iJustine tells us to throw away our reservations because, if you are not being your true self, then what is the point? She exemplifies this advice perfectly.

The book cover is catchy and is a major draw worth exploring. But, don’t expect the book to have a structured presentation, it hop-skips topics and at times lacks the wit that she demonstrates in her digital presence on YouTube and Twitter.

Some of the tech-geek parts may deter some readers, but if you are a nerd, you will enjoy reading it.




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TAGS: Justine Ezarik, iPhone, Internet, iJustine, Online
OUTLOOK 25 September 2015