29 April 2019 All-your-money-queries-answered

Personal Finance Queries For The Day (29-04-2019)

Jeevan Kumar KC

Sai Pavan Kumar, b.saipavankumar@gmail.com, Hyderabad: I would like to invest Rs. 1 lakh in a bond for 10 years from now. Please suggest. Also, please suggest any other investment options giving better returns than bonds in 10 years period.

The investor can look into the following bonds for his investments.

This bonds are available in the secondary market .

Even if these bonds are holding comparatively high credit rating, there is a inherent risk associated with this as the investment tenure is long term. The investor can also look into tax free bonds which are comparatively less risky  but the returns are comparatively lower. The other option which the investor can look are short and medium duration debt mutual funds.




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TAGS: Personal Finance Query, Ask the expert
OUTLOOK 29 April 2019